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Visitation Rules
- Visitation will be held on Sundays from 12 p.m.-4 p.m. Family members are encouraged to attend worship services with their loved ones.
- Visitors must adhere to the facility’s dress code and rules of conduct.
- Visitors caught using inappropriate language, including verbal abuse, or displaying signs of being under the influence will be asked to leave
- Visitors are encouraged to bring a covered dish for Sunday dinner.
- Residents cannot leave the grounds with visitors; this will be grounds for removal from the program.
- Visitors may not smoke. This is a tobacco-free campus.
- Visitors can bring items for the residents, such as:
- Clothing
- Toiletries
- Books
- Games
- Fishing Tackle
- Instruments
- Radio
- Bedding
- Décor
- Small Chair for the Room
- Camping Gear
- Food
- Drinks
- Physical violence will not be tolerated. Violation of this rule may warrant the presence of law enforcement.